The UNFCCC calls this summit every year with the agenda of a global agreement on the fight against climate change. All countries participated in the COP26 summit, like India, the USA, the EU, Australia, etc. participate in this summit. This year in 2021, the summit is named COP26. It is critical to understand the reason and importance of the same.
In the late 80s, world leaders recognized that global temperature is increasing, and it will create a dreadful climate effect. Agenda 21 was ratified at the Summit in Rio De Janerio in 1992. This agenda 21 was nothing to do with any numerical series of events. It is based on the global temperature limit proposed to save the world by the 21st century. Hence the name Agenda 21.
UNFCCC received responsibility for this global issue in the Rio 1992 meeting. UNFCCC is a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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