Tag Archives: server

Configuring redirections with apache htaccess for www, non-www, http and https | All patterns

There could be 10 different reasons to have a specific pattern of domain name considering brand value, technical architecture, personal liking, search engine optimizations, etc. And you might encounter a requirement of http redirections where you may need to do add/edit the htaccess of your webserver.

 Understand, this blog is just to help you achieve the results and not about explaining each bit of code. 


  • This tutorial assumes that you have enough technical knowledge about setting up a website on apache.
  • If you are using Linux make sure you have superuser privileges, i.e. sudo or root, on the server that is running Apache.
  • It is assumed that you have Apache installed.
  • You must be able to add records to the DNS that is managing your domain. If you do not already have a domain, you may purchase one from a domain registrar, and manage it with the registrar’s DNS.
  • Enable Rewrite Module: In order to perform the 301 redirect, we will use the Apache mod_rewrite, or Rewrite, module. Doing so will ensure that your users can access your site with or without the www. prefix, and be redirected to the domain that you prefer.
  • Created an .htaccess file on the web server root folder for http redirections.

Apache htaccess configurations for http redirections from www to non-www and vice-versa with https options on/off.

If you are reading this post, it means you are technical enough to understand about this topic. So let me quickly jump to specific solutions to different requirements:

Condition 1: To get www without https


  1. http://example.com ⇨ http://www.example.com
  2. https://example.com ⇨ http://www.example.com
  3. https://www.example.com http://www.example.com

Result: http://www.example.com

Continue reading Configuring redirections with apache htaccess for www, non-www, http and https | All patterns

Post Launch Challenges: A guide for startup companies to minimize risk with server infrastructure plan

World knows how to be cruel and becomes more cruel when you have no answers in adverse situations. For product companies, this is no myth. You should consider this article as a guide for startup companies running internet business who face a lot of post launch risk due to inefficient server infrastructure plan.

NOTE: This article does not belong to big data administrators and developers who are working with distributed systems, Hadoop, Hbase or other such technologies.

Businesses run with high inspirations and on huge costs. Even the smaller setups need to maintain a lot of trust and breakthrough service so that customers can be pleased. When a business is starting on pre-defined rules everything goes smoothly as planned. However one’s the business multiplies or let’s say the traffic on website or application increases, uncertainties creates doom days for stakeholders.

If you are reading this article I assume you to be a business owner or a product manager or a product developer who knows how an internet business works and the meaning of an internet product.

Continue reading Post Launch Challenges: A guide for startup companies to minimize risk with server infrastructure plan