15 climate change books (The hidden gems) – Readers list 3

Feeling overwhelmed and out of the loop regarding how climate change affects you on a daily basis? I understand, when you read through various available lists from the internet, there are a lot of those obvious books that everyone recommends. Here is a list of my 15 climate change books which I feel are the most unnoticed books, but trust me these hidden gems have taken my breaths apart.

Just to give you a recap, this blog is part 3 of the Climate Change Readers list. Those who have not explored the books that I have highlighted in the previous 15 Climate Change Books to read in 2022 – Readers list 1 are encouraged to do so or to already have.

These books have exemplary things to tell you, and it is a definite read.


The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable

How else could we explain our inability to imagine a better future in the face of global warming if we were not deranged? This is the question raised by renowned Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh.

Ghosh examines the human inability to comprehend the scale and violence of climate change in his first nonfiction work since In an Antique Land. He claims that today’s extreme weather patterns are incapable of accommodating contemporary modes of thinking and imagining because of their extreme nature. In serious literary fiction, such improbability feels especially inapplicable: tornadoes and hundred-year storms are automatically relegated to other genres when they occur.

Several gross simplifications have been made in the writing of history as well; as Ghosh demonstrates, the history of the carbon economy is a tangled, contradictory, and counterintuitive one. To limit fiction and politics to individual moral adventure comes with a price, as Ghosh explains. In much the same way, he argues, politics has become a matter of personal moral reckoning rather than collective action. He argues that fiction is better suited to the task of imagining alternative worlds than any other type of culture. His book serves as a call to action for the greatest writer of our time.

AuthorAmitav Ghosh
My completion time9 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future

We need to completely reimagine America’s electrical grid, a 20th-century engineering marvel that has proven ill-suited to our current needs. Exploring how our national power grid was developed, its current flaws, and how it needs to be reimagined for our fast-approaching future.

In addition to having grown old and in need of repair, the grid today stands in the way of a bright energy future as we invest great hopes in alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal. The grid needs to be reimagined in line with twenty-first-century values. Visionaries have to work alongside bureaucrats, legislators with storm-battered communities, moneymen with hippies, and the left with the right. This revolution is in full swing, even though it may not yet be apparent.

Performing an excellent anthropological investigation of the American energy infrastructure, Gretchen Bakke reveals its many facets, its most dynamic and its most stable moments, and its fundamental role in personal and national life. In her view, grids are uniquely American inventions, those created through bold expansions, occasionally foolhardy visions, and a constant improvisation process. She is most interested in how Americans are attempting to make revolutions in the grid today, sometimes by gumption and big dreams, sometimes by legislation or arming themselves.

AuthorGretchen Bakke
My completion time19 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking of the Civilized World

What if Atlantis weren’t a myth, but simply an early precursor to a new era of major flooding? Scientists and civilians alike notice rapidly rising sea levels, rising tides, and damaging floods in our most vibrant and historic cities, and even in our last remaining coastal communities.

As the ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctica crack, and the Earth’s temperature increases, we are ever closer to global disaster. Our coastlines will be inundated and our landscapes will be transformed by the end of the century, as hundreds of millions of people will retreat from world shorelines.

As our coasts become inundated, our landscapes transformed, and many coastal regions will disappear by the end of the century, hundreds of millions of people will be escaping the world’s shores. Engineers have devised bold methods to deter floods, but the one certainty is that no matter what barriers are erected or walls are built, nothing will be able to prevent world civilization from drowning in the end.

AuthorJeff Goodell
My completion time20 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet

We’re told we need to recycle, avoid flying, and eat less meat. But does the climate crisis really result from the individual?

The same hundred companies account for 71% of global emissions, but they have not taken any responsibility themselves. Instead, they have waged a thirty-year campaign that blames individuals for climate change. This has been disastrous for the planet.

As the author argues in The New Climate War, all is not lost, and outlines a plan to force our governments & corporations to wake up and address the climate crisis, he demarcates boundaries between the people and fossil-fuel corporations, right-wing plutocrats, and petro-states.

AuthorMichael E. Mann
My completion time27 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


Half–Earth – Our Planet`s Fight for Life

Biologist Edward O. Wilson says we must preserve the biodiversity of our planet as quickly as possible to prevent the mass extinction of species. Wilson is the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for his most urgent book to date.

The book Half-Earth recommends a solution commensurate with the magnitude of our problem: totally restoring half the Earth’s surface to nature. The author contends that we cannot solve this problem piecemeal. A humane, eloquent call that addresses our mortal concerns and calls for the reclaiming of some parts of the planet, including the redwood forests of California, the Amazon River basin, and the grasslands of the Serengeti, among others.

AuthorEdward O. Wilson
My completion time18 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet

‘The Green New Deal’, a compelling new book by the world’s most prominent public intellectual and renowned economist, details the negative effects of unchecked climate change and proposes a realistic solution.

A warmer Earth, argue Chomsky and Pollin, will render vast stretches uninhabitable as a result of extreme weather, drought, rising sea levels, and crop failure. In contrast, they demonstrate how this bogus concern fosters climate denialism by whining about the perceived economic hazards and job losses of transitioning to a green economy. We need to end the burning of fossil fuels within thirty years, improving living standards and preserving opportunities for workers.

Despite the fact climate change is an emergency that cannot be ignored, the authors make it clear that the Green New Deal can be a step towards overcoming it both politically and economically.

AuthorNoam Chomsky, Robert Pollin, C.J. Polychroniou
My completion time9 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


How to Give Up Plastic: Simple steps to living consciously on our blue planet

Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals are killed every year because of plastic entering our oceans. By 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

But how can YOU make a difference?

Here are five simple changes you can make to reduce plastic pollution: Using wash bags to catch plastic microfibers, Replacing your regular shampoo with bar shampoo, and How to throw a plastic-free birthday party. We will not give up plastics without a fight. This is a call to arms – to join together across the world in endorsing the notion of plastics as a form of waste.

AuthorWill McCallum
My completion time12 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World

Bringing our economy back into balance with the living world and building a thriving society from the ground up is the purpose of Less is More. By shining the spotlight on ecological breakdown and the system that’s causing it, Hickel shows how we can build a more successful, sustainable economy once more. Our chance to change course has come, and we must seize it.

During his exploration of the last 500 years of capitalism and the urgency of ecological collapse, Jason Hickel takes us on a deep journey through time and space. His book Less is More will be required reading for anyone interested in the meaning of living in the Anthropocene period, and what we can do to better our lives.

AuthorJason Hickel
My completion time27 Days
My personal rating4.5 out of 5.0 stars


Losing Earth: The Decade We Could Have Stopped Climate Change

Our knowledge of the science of climate change reached a tipping point in 1979 when we had all that we know today about what was happening, why it was happening, and how to stop it. Over the next decade, we had the very real chance to stop it, but we failed.

Rich describes the failure of our international treaties – and how tantalizingly close we came to signing treaties that could have saved us all if only politicians and the fossil fuel industry had backed off from anti-scientific denial. Throughout his book, Losing Earth, Rich is able to provide more context about what happened in the 1980s, and more importantly, he is able to move the story into the 21st century, where we must wrestle with what past failures mean to us now at the dawn of the 21st century.

A clear-eyed, eloquent assessment of how we got to today, and what needs to be done before it’s too late is a valuable contribution to the literature. It is both an agonizing revelation of historical missed opportunities, and a astute assessment of how we got there.

AuthorNathaniel Rich
My completion time15 Days
My personal rating4.2 out of 5.0 stars


Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency

Climate change has been irreversible. But how much worse could it get? Could civilization collapse? Is there no hope for the future? What kind of future can our children expect?

Mark investigates the course Earth has set for the next century in a detailed catalog of the very latest climate science. Degree by terrifying degree, he illustrates the devastating effects of global warming, which will result in the ensuing climate catastrophe.

In a world where we already live – a world with maximum global warming of one degree – California and Australia experiencing vast wildfires, while huge hurricanes could decimate coastal cities. At 2 degrees, the Arctic ice cap will disappear, and coral reefs in the tropics will disappear.

Upon reaching 3 degrees, the world begins to run out of food, endangering millions with starvation. By reaching 4 degrees, large portions of the world have become inhospitable for human life, erasing entire nations and resulting in an unprecedented number of climate refugees.

A five-degree increase in the temperature of the Earth will be unprecedented for the 55 million years, and a six-degree increase will create a mass extinction of unprecedented proportions, even endangering life on Earth.

Despite progress, time is running out to stop these consequences from escalating. For coral reefs and the Arctic to be saved, we must stop burning fossil fuels within a decade. If we do not, we risk crossing tipping points that will leave global climate chaos out of human control.

AuthorMark Lynas
My completion time30 Days
My personal rating4.2 out of 5.0 stars


How to Prepare for Climate Change: A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos

AuthorDavid Pogue
My completion timeNot yet read
My personal ratingNot yet read


The Future Earth : A Radical Vision for What’s Possible in the Age of Warming

AuthorEric Holthaus
My completion timeNot yet read
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What We Know about Climate Change, updated edition (The MIT Press)

AuthorKerry Emanuel
My completion timeNot yet read
My personal ratingNot yet read


How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire

AuthorAndreas Malm
My completion timeNot yet read
My personal ratingNot yet read


Tales of Two Planets: Stories of Climate Change and Inequality in a Divided World

AuthorJohn Freeman
My completion timeNot yet read
My personal ratingNot yet read

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